
Showing posts from August, 2012

Hack Facebook Account

Hack Facebook Account Hence we know that there are many techniques for Facebook Account hacking like Phishing Attacks, Keylogging and other Social techniques but today we are going to see how to hack passwords using new feature introduced by Facebook the 3 Trusted Friends Password Recovery Feature  in this what happens if you have lost your password and you don’t have any access to your default email address than this feature will handy by sending request to your 3 trusted friends and hence gaining your account password again. For this technique you need to create 3 fake Facebook account and you need to surely add these as friends into your victims account whose account you are going to hack. After success full addition of your fake accounts into victims account as   friends follow the below steps .: 1. Go to Facebook and click Forgot your Password ? 2. Than you will get something like below just enter the details you know about him enter his Usern...

Call Forging

To call someone from their own number or any number. 1. Go to  and register there for free account. 2. During registration, remember to insert Victim mobile number in "Phone number "field as shown below. 3. Complete registration and confirm your email id and then login to your account. click on "Direct WebCall". 4. You will arrive at page shown below. In "Enter a number" box, select your country and also any mobile number(you can enter yours). Now, simply hit on "Call Now"  button to call your friend with his own number. 5. That's it. Your friend will be shocked to see his own number calling him. I have spent last two days simply playing this cool mobile hack prank. Note: This trick will only knowledge purpose...          Just try this trick only known person.

Mobile Bluetooth Hacking

Here is a list of what you can do when you have hacked the other phone. Have Fun! Read Messages. (They are no more personal!) Read Contacts. (Check your lover’s phonebook to see what name he/she has saved your name. Hey, please don’t suicide when you see he/she has saved your number as lover no. 9! HeHe) Change Profile (Change the other’s profile to silent mode when you are on a date!) Play Ringtone even if the phone is silent (Annoy your classmates!) Play songs from the hacked phone in the same phone. Restart the phone (Show some magic to your friends!) Switch off the phone (Ultimate thing that you can do!) Restore Factory Settings (Do this to the most organized one and run away quickly!) Change Ringing Volume (You have enough experience how to use it. Don’t you?) Follow these steps to hack any Bluetooth enabled mobile phone. Download Super Bluetooth Hack 1.8  and also check that your mobile is in the list of supported handsets from the link provided. After you ...

How To Increase Your Iphone Battery Life.

If you are an iPhone users then you must be aware of the less point of Apple’s iPhone is its Battery. With every usage of it the %age of battery decreases. Iphone offers its users whole new world of features, apps, games which cannot be resisted from exploring. But the main concern for the user will be saving the battery throughout the day. Maximum iPhone battery is 100% and it rapidly decreases according to the usage. But every problem has a fix to it and Apple has done that for the battery issue. So let’s explore these few simple and few little tricky ones to get that extra bit of battery. When Not in Use Turn off Your iPhone All Wireless Applications All the latest phones, being specific Smartphone come with inbuilt wireless applications like Bluetooth and wifi access. So it is advised to switch off such features when they are not in use. As these features tends to deplete your iPhone battery fast. So turning them off can help you extend the battery life for several hours. If ...

Get Ice Cream Sandwich Keyboard for Your Android Phone

Hey Guyzz!! Here is the trick to make your Android Keypad looks like keypad in Android Ice cream Sandwich Android Ice Cream Sandwich is the latest version of Android OS. Google Nexus, which is the latest addition to the Android Smartphone, is going to be launched with Ice Cream Sandwich. If you own an Android Smartphone which is running on Android 2.2 Froyo or higher, then you can get this keyboard for your device without root. After installing this app you can get ICS  keyboard for  your smartphone. Go to Settings -> Locale and Text and select Ice Cream Sandwich Keyboard. Fetures: Multitouch keyboard User dictionary, built-in dictionary Configurable auto correction Redesigned and optimized keyboard layout and style Speech to text (select languages only) Custom vibration intensity (haptic feedback) Long press “Enter” key to bring up smiley alternatives Long press on “/” key in URL mode to bring up domains Please note that it is in Beta v...


          Hi guy this is the new 2012 march free unlimited life time callertune trick for vodafone users , dont forget to give comments step one: First you  Call this number "543211985" and select your favourite song for three days, keep your balance 1.01 Rs to 1.50. (Try to keep exactly 1.10) Step two:you should not stop that service before or after five to three days, after three they will deduct one rupees from your balance; now your balace 10 paise (10-50 paise),Now your vodafone  HelloTune is free for your full lifetime Step three :You should not recharge your account before three days to five days Note: There is no service to stop this service so you will able do only one thing you can change your song by all this steps.  You can also try this below codes for more songs 1.Dial these codes for more songs after 5 days from activation 2.Start from *678*014# To *678*099# (Dont dial this 93,96,80,71,72,20,30,41,43,42,44,45)   ...

How to Hack Facebook Accounts

Here Is The Trick To Hack Someones Facebook Account It is littlebit complicated but can be done easily and 100% working.Try not to use it for distructive purposes Step 1: First of all open this link:…in_changed This will be the form you will be filling out. NOTE: Be sure you are not logged in. Step 2: Your email address. Simple, write your “own” email adress, or the victim you are hacking. Step 3: Can you send and receive emails from your login email address? Choose “No”. Step 4: Has the login email address that you normally use to log in to your account been hacked? Choose “Yes”. Step 5: Has the login email address on your account been changed? Choose “Yes” again. Step 6: Full name on the account. If you already know the full name of the victim you’re going to hack, you can write it, if not do the following: If you still can’t find it, then try using those links: or google victim’s adress. I...

12 Awesome Notepad Tricks

Notepad Tricks 1)Continually pop out CD Drive Using Notepad:- Type in Notepad :- Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7") Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection do if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next End If wscript.sleep 5000 loop Save it as "Anyname.VBS". Like cdvirus.vbs if you open this file your cddrive continully popout. 2) Convey your  friend a  lil' message and shut down his / her computer:- Type in Notepad :- @echo off msg * I don't like you shutdown -c "Error! You are stupid!" -s Save it as "Anyname.BAT". Like notepadvirus.bat 3).  Open Notepad  continually in your friend's computer :- Type in Notepad :- @ECHO off :top START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe GOTO top Save it as "Anyname.BAT" and send it. 4). Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary :-  Type in Notepad :-  .LOG (in capital lette...

Tricks For Lock folder without any software

Hey Guys.. Suppose You want to lock  folder  songs in  d: path d:/ songs In the same drive create one  text file and copy below code and paste  in this text file  ren songs songs.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-08002B30309D}  Now save this file as lock.bat   Create one another text file and copy below code and paste in this text file ren songs.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-08002B30309D}songs Now save this file as unlock.bat   Now You see two batch file lock and unlock. If You click lock.bat file then you not show folders original  content.After You click unlock file at that time you can see folders original content 

Windows 8 Preview Release Direct Download Links

Download Windows  8 Preview with  License Key Microsoft Release Final Windows 8 Preview.Windows Operating System is  One Of the Best Operating System in the World Of Computer.Now Microsoft Release New  Version of Windows that says Windows 8.   Here I Provide  Direct Download Link  for 32 bit and  64 bit Operating System . After  Download  You Insert  Activation Key  For Make Genuine Windows 8 Preview. Download 32 bit Windows 8 Download 64 bit Windows 8 Activation Key :- TK8TP-9JN6P-7X7WW-RFFTV-B7QPF

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Key It's Total Free

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Key Kaspersky is a One Of the best antivirus product.I also like this product.because it give perfectly security.Now You can download kaspersky internet security 2012  trial version and make it Full Version. also i use kaspersky it have new tools is >>open it >> tools >> USB Vaccination it is use for pen drive & more drives for attract from virus.   Download Kaspersky Here Download Kaspersky and then install after Register your product by given below Serial Key. GAXPY-FVXC3-KPTJ5-PTVSQ Features :- > Protects your files, documents and photos from hackers. > Safeguards your identity and your money. > Provides protection from online banking fraud. > Prevents cybercriminals from hijacking your PC. > Protects you family from online predators. > Keeps your PC running smoothly and efficiently.

6 Best Site for find any Software's Serial Key

Free Find Software's Serial Key There are many sites to find serial key for Software's.Here Listed  top sites   for finding easily software's  serial keys .Simple you just type software name  in search box and it will find serial key for any Software. (1) SuperSerials.Com :- (2) KeyGenGuru.Com :- (3) SerialCoded.Com :- (4) SerialPortal.Com :- (5) UnlimitedSerials.Com :- (6) YouSerials.Com :- If..You Have a more Sites for serial keys than leave a comment in a Comment Box.